No.9  September, 2010  
  Chief Justice assures independence of the Judiciary  
  Hong Kong's new Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma says his prime responsibility is to uphold the rule of law and maintain the independence of Hong Kong's judiciary.

Mr Ma has also pledged to uphold the Basic Law – Hong Kong’s mini-constitution - and serve the community.

"Last week I took the oath of office. I said I will safeguard the law and administer justice without fear or favour, self-interest or deceit," he said, adding all members of the community remained equal in the eyes of the law.

"Individual rights, human rights and liberties are to be protected. In upholding the rule of law and protecting rights and liberties it is essential there is in place an independent judiciary."

Acknowledging court matters could sometimes be contentious, he said judges would only deal with the legal aspects of a court case without reference to political, social or economic factors.

"Our judiciary deals with many types of cases. It is important for us to bear in mind judges will only deal with the law and the legal aspects arising from the case."
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