No.8 November, 2009  
  HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge feasibility report approved  
  A new bridge linking the major centres of the Pearl River Delta will go ahead following the completion of a feasibility report into the project.

The report was approved by China’s paramount administrative body, The State Council, at its executive meeting on 28 October.

The bridge will link Hong Kong with Zhuhai and Macao, with construction to begin shortly and completion scheduled by 2016.

The project is of strategic significance to the further economic development of Hong Kong, Macao and the Western Pearl River Delta region ("Western PRD"). Major benefits include significantly reduced transportation costs and time for travellers and goods on the road between Hong Kong and the Western PRD.

The Western PRD will fall within a reachable three-hour commuting radius of Hong Kong, enhancing the attractiveness of the Western PRD to external investment, upgrading its industrial structure, and providing ample opportunities for Hong Kong businesses to expand their operations in the region. Key sectors in Hong Kong, such as tourism, finance, trade, commerce and logistics, will also benefit from this new economic hinterland.

There will also be improved boundary crossing facilities and link road projects in Hong Kong timed to coincide with the opening of the main bridge.
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