No.8  August, 2010  
  Cultural precinct options unveiled  
  Three unique concept plans have been unveiled for Hong Kong's new cultural precinct, with the community being invited to provide comment on the options for the future of the site.

Options for the precinct, in West Kowloon, are undergoing a two stage public engagement exercise as part of selecting the best option for one of the world’s biggest cultural sites currently under development.

The three concept plans unveiled by the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority are: City Park prepared by Foster + Partners, Cultural Connect: Key to Sustained Vitality by Rocco Design Architects, and Project for a New Dimension by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture.

Launching the stage-two public-engagement exercise on August 20, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Chairman Henry Tang said the district was starting to take shape, and credit should go to the master planning teams as well as Hong Kong people and arts and cultural stakeholders.

"Each conceptual plan presents a vision of how the district can be developed into a centrepiece for the city - showing off Hong Kong's unique character, integrating seamlessly with its surroundings, making cultural connections beyond our borders, and becoming a part of our social fabric,” Mr Tang said.

Noting the three options reflected community views collected previously, he encouraged people to carefully examine the options and respond.

The authority's consultation panel chairman, Professor Stephen Cheung, said the release of the conceptual plans was an important milestone.

"We are looking forward to hearing what the public think as we move towards selecting a master plan for the district," he said.

Questionnaires to be distributed during the stage-two exercise will ask the public to what extent the conceptual plan options have incorporated the mainstream opinions received in the stage-one exercise.

Public views will also be sought on individual attributes of each conceptual plan option, the phasing of the core arts and cultural facilities, as well as other arts and cultural facilities and education-related facilities that should be considered.

The conceptual plan options will be presented to the public in the form of scale models, interactive 3D models, photomontages and animated videos.

They will be available for viewing and comment during a series of exhibitions and public forums, and on the authority's website (
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