No.7  July, 2010  
  HK's legal profession provides high-end services  
  Hong Kong’s legal profession remains well placed to provide international and high-end services and play an important role in cross-boundary services with China, according to Hong Kong’s Secretary for Justice, Wong Yan Lung, SC.

Addressing the Hong Kong Legal Services Forum in Shanghai on July 6, Mr Wong said sharing the same language and culture with China meant Hong Kong's legal profession was able to deliver legal services concerning Mainland parties more efficiently and effectively.

He said legal services sector was well versed in laws relating to international finance and trade and had comprehensive international networks.

Under the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, Hong Kong maintains its common law system that is familiar to the international community. Judicial independence is guaranteed whilst judicial officers are well-recognised for their international standards. The integrity of Hong Kong’s legal system has been a source of confidence and protection to international investors.

"With China becoming a major force of global economic growth and with growing demand for cross-boundary legal services, I believe that the legal professions in the two places can foster closer cooperation and provide even better services to their clients,” Mr Wong said.

He added that an increasing number of Hong kong law firms were setting up offices in China to take advantage of the CEPA free trade agreement.

"To date, 65 Hong Kong law firms have set up representative offices in 14 Mainland cities, of which 31 firms were set up after the implementation of CEPA,’ he said.

"There are altogether six Hong Kong law firms that have entered into association with Mainland law firms to develop their practice in both places."

Mr Wong said The Department of Justice was strongly committed to promoting mutual legal assistance between both jurisdictions and cooperation was strong.

This included arrangements for mutual service of judicial documents, mutual enforcement of arbitral awards and reciprocal enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.

"Apart from regular reviews of the implementation of these arrangements to refine the framework for mutual legal assistance, we are also taking steps to identify new areas of cooperation in response to the needs of our community," Mr Wong said.

He said Hong Kong and Chinese authorities were exploring the feasibility of reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial and family matters.

The Secretary for Justice also briefed forum participants on Hong Kong's latest developments in arbitration services and its efforts in enhancing the arbitration regime.

The cases handled by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) have been on the increase in recent years. In 2009, the HKIAC handled a total of 429 arbitration cases, representing a year-on-year increase of 15%, and over one third of the cases involved at least one Mainland party. Figures in this respect are also rising annually.

Mr Wong said that Hong Kong would continue to foster closer cooperation between local arbitration institutions and their Mainland and international counterparts, with a view to developing Hong Kong as a hub for commercial arbitration in the Asia Pacific region.

The Hong Kong Legal Services Forum is one of the major fringe events held by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government during its participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai China.

Organised by the Department of Justice, the forum aims to showcase Hong Kong's strengths and the latest developments in its legal and arbitration services to corporate and legal sectors in China to enhance mutual cooperation by sharing experiences. Veteran lawyers from the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong, as well as world renowned arbitrators from the HKIAC and the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, served as moderators and speakers. They discussed with participants legal and risk management issues in international trade and investment as well as practical issues in resolving commercial disputes.

The forum has received an overwhelming response from Mainland organizations and more than 500 legal practitioners, businessmen and officials attended the event.
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