No.3 March, 2010  
  Domain name administration pact signed  
  The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer has signed a new designation agreement and memorandum of understanding with the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation to enhance Internet domain names administration in Hong Kong.

The agreement reconfirms the non-profit-making corporation's designation to manage and administer ".hk" domain names and sets out its duties. The corporation is obliged to uphold the rights of any persons or organisations to freedom of speech, of publication, of communication and of religious belief, and to comply with the laws related to privacy.

The memorandum states the principles the Government and the corporation agree to observe. The corporation will operate independently of the Government and is subject to independent audit. It will introduce measures to assure its performance and conduct activities in an open and transparent manner.

The office said signing the above documentation is the final step in implementing a new institutional framework for the administration of '.hk' domain names to enhance corporate governance, openness and transparency. It will help make the best use of Internet domain names for the benefit of the Internet community and Hong Kong as a whole.

The signing is the outcome of a 2007 review on Internet domain names administration, which has brought about institutional changes in the corporation, including simplified membership classes, a restructured board of directors with a strong focus on corporate governance, and a new consultative and advisory panel to engage stakeholders to advise the board and to enhance the corporation's transparency.

To view the agreement, click the link below -

To view the memorandum, click the link below –
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