No.2 May, 2009  
  Official Hong Kong launch of Expo 2010 ticket sales  
  Hong Kong’s participation in the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China (Shanghai Expo) will showcase the city as the dynamic business and creative hub of Asia.

Hong Kong’s Permanent Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Joshua Law, has unveiled plans for a standalone Hong Kong Pavillion at the event, which will be one of the highlights of 2010’s international major events calendar.
  Speaking at the official Hong Kong launch of Expo 2010 ticket sales on April 2, Mr Law said the event would feature a standalone Hong Kong Pavilion within the China Pavilion area under the theme "Hong Kong - A City with Unlimited Potential".  
  The Hong Kong Pavilion will feature Hong Kong's unique characteristics and showcase the city's creativity as well as connectivity with the Mainland and the world.  
  Hong Kong will also participate in the Urban Best Practices Area Exhibition (UBPA) under the theme "Smart Card, Smart City, Smart Life".  
  Hong Kong's UBPA exhibition will demonstrate how the extensive use of smart card technology has improved efficiency and the quality of city life.  
  An Online Hong Kong Pavilion will be constructed as part of the "Expo Shanghai Online" project. This will create a "virtual pavilion" on the Internet to provide an interactive platform for online visitors to have a virtual Expo experience.  
  The Hong Kong SAR Government will also build a special Expo website to promote Hong Kong’s participation and provide another avenue for netizens around the world to learn more about Hong Kong.  
  Shanghai Expo will be held in Shanghai from May 1 to October 31, 2010, under the theme "Better City, Better Life".  
  A Shanghai Expo Hotline (852) 2998 7010 has also been set up in Hong Kong for ticket sales enquiries.  
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