No.2 May, 2009  
  Chief Executive pledges to explore economic areas with high potential  
  Economic areas where Hong Kong enjoys clear advantages will be explored to realise their potential in full, the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, said after chairing the fourth meeting of the Task Force on Economic Challenges (TFEC) on April 3.

The TFEC comprises representatives from a broad cross section of the community including industry, commerce, banking and the arts and was formed to help guide Hong Kong through the challenges posed by the global financial crisis.
  Mr Tsang said, "In the previous two meetings of the Task Force on Economic Challenges (TFEC), members have focused on short-term measures to stimulate the economy and preserve jobs. At today's meeting, members have embarked on a more important issue by setting their sights on the long-term competitiveness of Hong Kong and exploring our medium and long-term economic opportunities."  
  The TFEC will study how to further develop the following six economic areas:  
  (1) Testing and certification  
  Hong Kong has a robust accreditation system in place. With the high reputation of the local testing and certification industry as well as a vast Mainland market, Hong Kong is well positioned to compete with international testing and certification brands.  
  (2) Medical services  
  Hong Kong's excellent healthcare personnel and medical equipment, advanced medical technology and well-regulated Chinese medicine sector would attract people from the peripheral areas to use medical services in Hong Kong. The Government will continue to provide land for the development of private hospitals and encourage co-operation between public and private medical institutions.  
  (3) Innovation and technology  
  Hong Kong produces first rate hardware and software and enjoys a sound legal system for applied research and development (R&D) to flourish. Hong Kong can also make good use of the advantage of the Pearl River Delta region in manufacturing and the vast Mainland market to achieve economies of scale for R&D products.  
  (4) Cultural and creative industries  
  With its East-meets-West culture, Hong Kong has a large pool of creative talent and a robust intellectual property protection regime for creative work. The Mainland will serve as a vast market for such work. Hong Kong has already made good progress in industries such as design, film and digital entertainment.  
  (5) Environmental industry  
  Local enterprises have rich experience in pollution prevention and control, and are adept at commercialising environmental technologies. The dedication of the Mainland in tackling environmental problems in recent years provides substantial business opportunities for the environmental technologies in Hong Kong.  
  (6) Educational services  
  Hong Kong provides a biliterate and trilingual environment as well as an internationally recognised curriculum. Together with the heavy investment in tertiary education, research funding and academic facilities on a par with international standards, and the keen demand for local tertiary education by Mainland students, there is ample room for the development of the education industry in Hong Kong.  
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