No.2 May, 2009  
  Government welcomes IBM setting up cloud computing laboratory in Cyberport  
  The Hong Kong Government has welcomed the decision by computing giant IBM to set up a cloud computing laboratory at the SAR’s Cyberport facility.  
  "The move fully demonstrates Hong Kong's advantages as a centre for innovation in information technology," Acting Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Stephen Mak, said (April 17).  
  "Services based on cloud computing will undoubtedly be one of the major trends in IT over the next few years. IBM's decision to locate a critical cloud computing laboratory here is a tribute to the innovative talent of Hong Kong people. It underlines the favourable environment we provide, with our sound legal system, good protection for data and intellectual property rights, and world-class ICT infrastructure," he added.  
  Mr Mak said he was confident that IBM would find Cyberport an ideal place for the laboratory. "Cyberport provides state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a tenant mix that can facilitate collaboration amongst IT businesses," he said.  
  The General Manager of IBM Lotus Software, Mr Bob Picciano, said,
"Hong Kong has developed some of the world's leading online services. We are confident that our laboratory in Cyberport will help provide next generation cloud collaboration to IBM's LotusLive portfolio of online services as well as a gateway to the key emerging markets of Asia."
  The laboratory will build on the email technology and expertise of Outblaze Limited, a Hong Kong based company at Cyberport, whose email assets have been acquired by IBM.  
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