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No.2  April, 2012  
  Hong Kong: best place to do business  
  Hong Kong, a stronghold of free-market principles, low taxes and advantageous geographical location as the gateway to the world's most populous nation, has been identified by Bloomberg as the best place to do business.

Bloomberg's new index rankings measured 160 markets on a scale of 0 to 100 percent based upon six factors including: costs of setting up business, the degree of economic integration and labour costs.

Hong Kong, scoring 49 per cent and secured the top position with The Netherlands, the U.S, the U.K and Australia following consecutively.

The study identified Hong Kong's reputation for rule of law and corruption-free administration has helped the city to distinguish itself from mainland China. Moreover, the synergistic relationship with mainland China has allowed it to serve as a central hub for the internationalisation of the yuan.

Hong Kong has also been labelled the world's freest economy for 18 successive years by the Heritage Foundation.
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