No.1 January, 2010  
  Invest Hong Kong sets record in completed investment projects  
  The government agency responsible for attracting foreign investment to Hong Kong is celebrating a record year.

Invest Hong Kong has revealed that in 2009 it helped 265 overseas, Chinese and Taiwanese companies set up or expand their business presence.

The Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, Mr Simon Galpin, said the result was a strong vote of confidence in Hong Kong's economy despite the recent global downturn.
  "The positive investment promotion results last year demonstrate that Hong Kong remains the base in Asia from which overseas, Mainland and Taiwanese companies prefer to expand their business.

"In these times of economic uncertainty, the enduring advantages of Hong Kong such as its rule of law, low and simple taxes, level playing field, free economy, world-class communications and transportation infrastructure, and available talent pool, have become increasingly important.

“They continue to enable the city to act as a stable and secure platform for companies looking to do business in the region and beyond.”

Invest Hong Kong’s 2009 highlights include:

The 265 companies that Invest Hong Kong helped last year plan to create more than 6,000 new jobs within the first two years of their operation or expansion in Hong Kong.

Geographically, Asia Pacific, Europe and North America accounted for 43 percent, 35 percent and 18 percent, respectively, of the total number of Invest Hong Kong's completed investment projects in 2009. China continued to be the single largest market by source of completed projects, followed by the US and UK.

By priority sector, the top three performers were Business and Professional Services including education services and design, Technology including renewable energy, and Special Projects, which includes environmental technology and the wine sector.

"Hong Kong's strategic location and international exposure make it an ideal two-way service platform for Mainland companies to go global and for foreign companies to access opportunities in the Mainland," he said.

Invest Hong Kong has realigned its priority sectors and strengthened its research and aftercare capabilities in order to encompass the six new growth industries where Hong Kong has a clear competitive advantage: testing and certification, medical services, innovation and technology, culture and creative industries, environmental industry and education services.

In 2010, the Department will increase its activities to attract companies from emerging markets such as India, Latin America, the Middle East and Russia. In addition, Invest Hong Kong will continue to strengthen its marketing promotion efforts on the Mainland to assist corporations to expand internationally by using Hong Kong as their hub. It will also continue to organise joint promotion seminars with Mainland partners in key overseas cities to promote the combined advantages of Hong Kong and the Mainland, in particular the Pearl River Delta region.

Mr Galpin added that the Department's pipeline of live projects was stronger than ever.

"Investment promotion is crucial to our economic development and our long-term objectives of maintaining the status of Hong Kong as a leading location for international direct investment."
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