No.1 January, 2010  
  Film development fund operation enhanced  
  Hong Kong has announced a funding boost for the city’s film industry with the Film Development Council implementing new measures for the first quarter of 2010.

The upper limit of the production budget of a film project supported by the fund will rise from A$1.7 million (HK$12 million) to A$2.1 million (HK$15 million) while the upper limit of the contribution per film project will increase from 30% to 35%. The fund will also consider raising the contribution to 40% in special circumstances.

Other measures include:
  removing the 10 year time limit for the production of two completed films in respect of the applicant, the film director or producer;  
  improving the layout of the application forms to facilitate applications; and,  
  allowing an applicant to buy back the copyright of a film from the Government five years after it has been theatrically released.  
  The council's promotional efforts will also be expanded to cover 3D film production in Hong Kong.  
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