Source & Sell with hktdc.com Sourcing |
Our online marketplace, hktdc.com Sourcing, has been revamped and will be re-launched later in 2020 as a one stop platform using cutting edge AI technology and multimedia content solutions. Visit today to source from reliable suppliers and manufacturers from Hong Kong, Chinese mainland and countries around the world. Buyers can make free sourcing enquiries or get the latest product price from a wide range of hot categories such as Electronic Gadgets, Housewares, LED Lighting Products, Fashion Accessories and more. |
hktdc.com Sourcing showcase: Thai Health and Wellness Economy Cluster |
One of the notable economic clusters is the Thai Health and Wellness Economy Cluster, which gathers 35 leading Thai companies around the theme of “Thai Sustainable Lifestyle Products”. The cluster brings a wide range of products, including banana fibre bags, batik silk scarves, natural indigo dyed fabrics, anti-bacterial face masks, patient transfer sheets, organic cotton baby clothes, recycled cotton T-shirts and sportswear. |